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Piyush's Blog

Life-log (Apr 2024)

Life Log for April 2024


Media consumption

TV shows

Watched 27 episodes across 4 different shows


Watched 5 movies, 4 of which were viewed in the Theater.


  • Designing Data-Intensive Applications. (Ch1, Ch2)
    • ███---------------- 16.67%
  • Dune Messiah
    • ----████----------- 15%-22%
  • The Art of Living
    • ██████------------- 0-30%

Video Games



Food Consumption

  • Breakfast: Dine-out: 8, Ordered: 7, Left-over: 1, Self-Cooked: 1
  • Lunch: Ordered: 14, Self-Cooked: 8, Dine-out: 5, Cook: 1
  • Dinner: Cook (Home-cooked presumably): 21, Ordered: 5, Dine-out: 1, Mixed (Cook, Ordered): 1, Self: 1, Self-Cooked: 1
  • Home-cooked meals: 33
  • Ordred/Restaurant meals: 42

Tea/Coffee intake

  • Had tea and/or coffee 28 out of 30 days this month

Desert and Snacks

  • Had a medium to heavy Desert 15 out of 30 days
  • Had snacks (Other than fruit/nuts and other meals) 3 out of 30 days.


  • Worked out 23 times out of 30 this month.
    • Shoulders (S): 7 sessions
    • Back and Biceps (B&B): 6 sessions
    • Chest and Triceps (C&T): 6 sessions
    • Leg day (L): 4 sessions
  • Longest consecutive days worked out: 9
  • Longest consecutive days of break: 1


  • Mean Sleep Duration: 6.44 hours
  • Median Sleep Duration: 6.8 hours
  • Minimum Sleep Duration: 0.0 hours
  • Maximum Sleep Duration: 8.13 hours
  • Mean Bedtime: 1:30 AM
  • Median Bedtime: 1:11 AM
  • Minimum Bedtime: 0:21 AM
  • Maximum Bedtime: 5:51 AM

Screen time (Phone)

  • Mean Screen Time: 2 hours 11 minutes
  • Median Screen Time: 2 hours 1 minute
  • Minimum Screen Time: 0 hours 22 minutes
  • Maximum Screen Time: 7 hours 26 minutes